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The Intersection between AI and Journalism

In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has made impressive advances and found growing applications in fields like journalism. AI programs can now write basic news stories, conduct research, fact-check claims, and even conduct interviews. Some view AI as a threat that may one day automate jobs like reporting and writing. However, while AI tools hold promise to assist and augment human journalists, true AI journalism remains far off.

The Emergence of Automated Journalism | The Business Anecdote

The Emergence of Automated Journalism

The idea of using AI for news writing is not new. Back in 2014, the Associated Press began using a program called Wordsmith to algorithmically generate short corporate earnings reports. Since then, use of AI writing tools has expanded. The Washington Post uses an AI system called Heliograf to cover topics like Olympics results and local elections with basic news stories. Other outlets like Bloomberg and The Guardian use AI in similar ways for sports reporting and local news.

AI tools can ingest data sets or interview transcripts and rapidly produce a passable news write-up. This allows newsrooms to increase their coverage and output more content. AI systems also enable the creation of personalized news feeds and coverage for niche topics. However, these automatically generated stories tend to be fairly formulaic and dry. They lack the nuance, style, and insight of human writing.

The Limits of Automated Journalism | The Business Anecdote

The Limits of Automated Journalism

While AI programs can technically produce news stories, there are hard limits on what automated journalism can accomplish. AI lacks human curiosity, critical thinking, and storytelling ability. An algorithm cannot (yet) exhibit the inquisitiveness needed to conceive original story ideas or angle a piece around novel themes.

AI also cannot replicate human judgment for editorial decisions like what details to include or leave out of a story. It lacks the empathy and cultural awareness to tell stories that connect with audiences. Quirky details, turns of phrase, and compelling narratives are still the realm of human writers. So too is investigative journalism built on deep sourcing and contextual understanding.

At best, today's AI can generate workmanlike reporting on highly structured data sets like sports results and company earnings. It cannot research, report, interview, analyze, or opine at the level of human journalists. AI may be able to produce an increasing volume of basic news articles, but it cannot replace talented reporters and writers.

The Future Role of AI in Journalism | The Business Anecdote

The Future Role of AI in Journalism

Rather than replacing journalists, AI will - at least in the foreseeable future - take on a supporting role. AI tools excel at tasks like data analysis, fact checking, and interview transcription. This makes AI well suited for assisting reporters with time-intensive work like research and interview prep.

AI programs could take meeting notes, analyze sources, and alert reporters to potential story leads hidden in massive data. They could also help generate interactive news formats and enable real-time translation of interviews and materials. However, human creativity, critical thinking, and reporting skills will remain irreplaceable.

Many reporters see AI as a useful partner, not an existential threat. With the help of AI tools, journalists can focus more time on impactful writing, in-depth reporting, and building reader relationships. AI assistance will enable journalists to be more productive, insightful and creative.

So while machine journalism is advancing, true artificial intelligence remains a distant goal. The unique human qualities needed for quality journalism - curiosity, imagination, empathy - are safe for now. With AI as an aid, the future of socially impactful, incisive and inspiring journalism still lies with human reporters and writers.



(1) Is ChatGPT a threat or an opportunity for journalism? Five AI experts ....

(2) JournalismAI - London School of Economics and Political Science.

(3) Artificial intelligence and journalism: a race with machines.

(4) The JournalismAI Report - London School of Economics and Political Science.

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